2019 Programme Updates
Due to unforeseen circumstances we ocasionally have to make small changes to the programme or sadly cancel events. Details of any such changes to the 2019 programme will be listed here. The Box Office team make every effort to contact ticket holders to inform them of event changes, so please make sure you provide a contact telephone number when making your booking.
EVENT POSTPONED: 14. Emma Smith: This Is Shakespeare
Saturday 5 October, 5.30pm, All Saints Church.
Due to unavoidable scheduling conflicts, this event has been postponed. We are hoping to reschedule for the spring. If you would like to be kept informed of a new date please contact us.
TIME CHANGE: 29. Owen Matthews: An Impeccable Spy
Sunday 6 October, Clarke Foley Centre
This event will now begin at 6.30pm (not 5.15pm as previously advertised)
VENUE CHANGE: 92. Felicity Cloake: One More Croissant for the Road
Saturday 19 October, 1.30pm
This event will now take place at All Saints Church (not at Clarke Foley Centre as previously advertised)
VENUE CHANGE: 96. Sinclair McKay: The Scotland Yard Puzzle Book
Saturday 19 October, 4pm
This event will now take place at All Saints Church (not at Clarke Foley Centre as previously advertised)
NEW EVENT: 157. Ben Aitken: A Chip shop in Poznan
Due to popular demand we have added a second performance of this event. 1pm, Sunday 13 October at the Clarke Foley Centre. Click here to book.
VENUE AND TIME CHANGE: 58. Mike Berners-Lee: There is No Planet B
Due to popular demand we have moved this event to a bigger venue, but this required a slight time change as well.
This event will now take place at The Kings Hall at 6.15pm on Saturday 12 October (not 5.30pm at All Saints Church as previously advertised.) Click here to book.
VENUE AND TIME CHANGE: 66. Steve Richards: The Prime Ministers
Due to popular demand we have moved this event to a bigger venue, but this required a slight time change as well.
This event will now take place at The Kings Hall at 5pm on Sunday 13 October (not 1.30pm at the Clarke Foley Centre as previously advertised.) Click here to book.
VENUE CHANGE: 120. Clare Balding: The Racehouse Who Learned To Dance
This event will now take place at All Saints Church (not The Kings Hall as previously advertised) at 6pm on Friday 18 October.
EVENT CANCELLED: 101. Dylan Jones: The Wichita Lineman
Due to a family emergency this event has been cancelled. The Box Office will contact all ticket holders to arrange refunds. We are very sorry for any inconvenience.
EVENT CANCELLED: 121. Conn Iggulden: Doubly Dangerous!
Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been cancelled.The Box office will contact all ticket holders to arrnage refunds. We are very sorry for any inconvenience.
EVENT CANCELLED: 147. Holly Smale: Happy Girl Lucky
Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been cancelled.The Box office will contact all ticket holders to arrnage refunds. We are very sorry for any inconvenience.